Etana: A Regulated Global Partner for Your Digital Asset Custody

April 6, 2023 by
Etana Team

Etana: A Regulated Global Partner for Your Digital Asset Custody


The world of digital assets is challenging to navigate, even for the most experienced investor. Emerging providers, changing regulations, and new client segments generate a continuous stream of challenges that must be understood and overcome.

Etana has an established presence in the custody market, helping our clients maintain and raise their game in various environments. Leading financial institutions have chosen Etana as their digital asset custodian. Ledger Enterprise has selected us as their hardware partner, recommending Etana as the preferred custody provider for their professional investor and family office clients.

What Etana offers

Etana is not an exchange (i.e. trading venue) or a lending platform. Rather, as a regulated multi-asset custodian, we serve as a "nexus" between exchanges, institutions, and individuals. Our expanding suite of infrastructure solutions and service providers facilitate the seamless trade of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and global currencies in a regulated environment.

Core Custody

The core value-add of a custodian is to minimize risk for investors. With assets stored in custody accounts, your clients can enjoy the full benefits we offer. In terms of user experience, our extensive portfolio of APIs enables interactions with 3rd party systems, while our user interface integrates across global currencies and exchanges to ensure efficiency.


For clients who engage in large-volume trading, we provide a cost-effective and efficient avenue to market. Our extensive network of liquidity providers (institutions, exchanges, and other market participants) allows for easier trading access. We settle with these providers at the end of each day, which not only improves efficiency, but also security, as we can ensure that the pledged assets exist before releasing the funds from your account.

Risk Mitigation

Counterparty and settlement risks are ever-present concerns for global investors, and the digital asset realm is no exception. Etana encumbers custodied assets for trading and other escrow services. This approach minimizes both trading costs and funding requirements.

Treasury Management

Holding assets across multiple exchanges can be costly in time and effort, as well as incurring a higher risk of unintentional error. A central hub is not only easier, but also increases transparency for record-keeping and reporting purposes, and overall provides a more efficient way to manage digital assets and streamline treasury activities.

Why work with us

Etana offers white-glove service, a dedicated relationship manager, and access to our C-level team. We are also differentiated by the breadth of our capabilities, which can accommodate a wide range of strategies by tailoring a solution to your requirements.

Here are some aspects of our offering that illustrate what sets us apart.

Global Access

Crypto is borderless and so your potential clients span the globe. Etana is a custodial partner with truly global reach. We ensure that our clients have fast and effective access to new markets through our web of exchange partners and sub-custodians in over 100 countries. Partnering with us provides a cost-effective basis for your geographic expansion in the digital asset industry. We are also expanding our footprint, with applications for registered status in Germany, Australia, and South Africa!

Compliant & Secure

As a DORA Chartered USA Trust Company, Etana and our digital depository partners adhere to strict SOC 2 certification standards and maintain substantial insurance coverage. We follow stringent KYC/AML-compliant onboarding and monitoring procedures, and continuously screen clients with leading 3rd party resources. We go beyond simply helping you manage risk, to helping you build and sustain a culture of compliance in your organization.

Integrated Currency Solutions

When we say that we are a global custodian, we mean it! Our offering not only includes support for over 400 digital assets (including the "tail end") but also on/off ramp solutions for G10 currencies, giving you the flexibility to move between the traditional and digital worlds. By linking you to our exchange partners your balances are available to trade without long wait times or exorbitant costs. We hold currency assets in insured bank accounts, meaning that speed and efficiency do not come at the cost of higher risk.

Experienced Management

Having a team that can confidently operate across boundaries is vital for a successful digital asset strategy, and Etana's leadership is well-equipped to navigate this complex landscape with a deep skills base and broad set of perspectives. The team comprises seasoned industry veterans, each with years of experience in their respective fields. This includes in-depth knowledge of commodities, foreign exchange, capital markets, and market structures. The team's collective experience is also diverse, covering both regulated and unregulated jurisdictions, and spanning both the buy-side and sell-side. With this formidable team of experts in your corner, you can face an unpredictable future with confidence and peace of mind.


To focus on your core value-add, you need to be free. A custody solution that reduces cost, minimizes risk, and maximizes capital efficiency, without compromising on speed or security, across venues, borders, and blockchains - gives you that freedom.

It's a well-known adage that every problem is an opportunity in disguise. In this market, with the right partner, you can turn any challenge into a competitive advantage.