Etana Custody Obtains Approval for Trust Charter

April 22, 2021 by
Etana Team

This week the Colorado Division of Banking issued Etana Custody approval for a trust charter. We are excited about this milestone as we continue our global regulatory rollout in our effort to expand as a global custodian and provide a range of services to our clients.

As an independent, qualified custodian, Etana supports regulation that encourages innovation and mitigates risk. We are excited about this major step in our regulatory roadmap.

Our mission is to mitigate counterparty risk, facilitate trade execution and enable capital efficiencies. We help our clients achieve this with our proprietary technology and through a network of digital-friendly banks and sub-custodians.

If you have questions, please get in touch.

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Etana Trust Company (dba Etana Custody) is a licensed trust company with the Colorado Division of Banking. Etana performs the duties of an escrow depository and independent custodian and does not provide investment advice, sell investments or offer any tax or legal advice. Customers or potential customers are advised to perform their own due diligence in selecting any financial institution or professional to assist them.